Your daughters may reference the Flowing Wells Twitter Train ... and we really want you on board with us.
If your cell phone receives Unlimited Text Messages then even without a twitter account you can register from your phone to receive our tweets. 1. Start a new text message on your phone 2. You will send the message to the following 5 digit number: 40404 3. You will type the following message exactly as shown: follow ladycabsbball 4. Press send You will receive a confirmation text and or previous tweets (messages) from our account. Now you are signed up and anytime we send a tweet you will receive it to your phone as a text message. It helps if you make the text message a contact within your phone, place the name FW Twitter or LadyCab Twitter as the name. Each time you receive one of our tweet text messages it will show up as this name and be easier for you to reference. We will send tweets to post scores immediately after games, highlights or breaking news about the program, as well as news updates, pictures and information regarding the website that we think would be beneficial for our team to know about. We started twitter for the main purpose to keep parents up to date when they can not attend home or away games but still want to stay in touch and know the outcome of games right away. |